Engine Overhaul: Why You Need a Mission Statement

How to Write a Personal Mission Statement | justinjstorm.com |

Our purpose is our engine.  It is the heart and soul of everything we do.  So how do we get purpose that drives us to where we want to be?

To overhaul means to take something apart in order to examine it and repair it if necessary.  And that is exactly what I suggest we do.  We need to examine our lives and see if a repair is in order.   It will require us to take apart our inner desires by putting them on paper, examine how our life aligns with what we want, and start the process of repairing…if necessary.

One of the most effective ways to find our purpose is through developing a personal, family, or organizational mission statement.  A mission statement is a document that acts as a guide to help make short, mid, and long term decisions.  It becomes a sacred resource that has the power to override impulsive decisions that lead us to the path of least resistance.  Rewards of such a path are few and leave us feeling empty and unfulfilled.  We need strength and that strength is found in each of us.  It is found in our deepest desires.  The mission statement is the product of these desires. Our mission statement is something that we create.  It is unique for each individual or entity because each is unique.

I have found tremendous success in following the Franklin Covey process for mission statement creation.  I have included the below link to facilitate this process for the reader.

Just ensure that before you start this exercise you go to a quiet place; a place free of distraction.  It is here that you will want to relax and center yourself on being calm and present.  Once you feel comfortable and situated go to the below website and start overhauling.  I promise that, if done sincerely and with the right level of effort, you will feel a new sense of purpose and desire.  You will be ready to start your engine and go!

Franklin Covey Mission Statement Builder

Next week we will review how to cross the chasm of where you are today to where your purpose wants to take you.


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