Free Downloads

Wheel of Life – The wheel of life is a great exercise to quickly understand how balanced you are and what areas in your life need some focus.  To maximize its effectiveness, you will want to watch the wheel of life video that accompanies this exercise.

Annual Goals Template – One of the main reasons we fail to achieve our goals is because we don’t have a good system to track them.  This spreadsheet is an easy to follow excel spreadsheet that will track and motivate you towards action.  To maximize its effectiveness, you will want to watch the Goal Setting Video that accompanies this tracker.

Weekly Planning Template – One of the most common frustrations we experience in life is that of being overwhelmed.  We have too little time for all of life’s demands.  Spending some up front energy to plan a week can make all the difference in the world.  To know how to best utilize this spreadsheet you will need to watch the Weekly Planning Video .

Relationship Audit – Often times, we fail to take inventory of our most important relationships.  For this reason, I have created a “Relationship Audit” that is designed to help you understand how much equity or debt you carry in your key relationships and what this means to you personally going forward.

Value Assessment – If you find yourself lacking motivation, passion, peace, and progression then core value identification and realization is just the prescription you need to remedy these ailments.  This exercise helps individuals identify important values and their life’s alignment with these values. Further exploration in writing, conversation, and thought will help to dial in one’s core values; values that produce focus, purpose, and progress.  There are other powerful ways this worksheet is used but for now this is a great start.  Enjoy!

Parental Mission Statement – If you are interested in having your children become a certain type of someone then clarity is the first step to accomplishing this.  To gain this clarity we must thoroughly and thoughtfully answer two questions in the Parental Mission Statement worksheet.
