It’s About Progress Not Perfection!

Image result for progress not perfection

Last week I provided a goal setting guide on the why, what, and how of setting and achieving goals.  Many of us have already started the process of stretching ourselves to achieve that which is most meaningful to us. We have also found that we have started to waver in our diligence and desire to change old patterns and habits.  This is normal and to be expected.  Sadly, this inconsistency can cause many of us to give up.  For this reason, I want to reiterate and expand on the “All or Nothing” mentality I wrote on last week:

“We are human and, as a result, are not perfect.  We are not going to achieve all our goals all of the time.  Unfortunately, our imperfection causes us to get down on ourselves and give up. We set goals to progress in ways that are meaningful to us. If we are taking steps in that direction then we are fulfilling our “why”.  Therefore, establishing and accepting different levels of achievement will encourage the positive habit or behavior to continue.

For example, an hour at the gym five days a week is ideal, four days a week is acceptable, and three days a week is our minimum. Something is better than nothing.  Give yourself flexibility in your accomplishments and this will allow for sustained positive action.”

The primary purpose of goals is progression in a desired direction. Take a look at the below chart.
Image result for up and down progression chart

Each line represents progress in the lives of two individuals.  Each individual has up and down performance but the trend is heading in an upward direction towards their desired state.  They are achieving their goal of progress.  That is until the first individual (red line) gets discouraged that the line of progress isn’t perfectly straight and, therefore, gives up; falling back into their previous habits and patterns.  The next individual (green line) chooses a different mental approach.  He decides to step back away from the failures and recognize the upward trend of progress.  This realization provides motivation to continue forward and upward as displayed in the chart.  

Over the next couple of weeks, keep this simple visual in mind. It is not about perfection but progress.  Remember, efforts do matter and do bring us upward.  We will have failures.  These failures may last longer than we would like at times but persistence in trying will eventually keep that trend line moving upward.  Minor failures are a part of life and mortality.  Accept it and embrace it for the successes would not taste nearly as sweet without the failures along the way.  No one likes to be around perfection anyway.

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