Change Is A Full-Brained Process

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I am fascinated with the human brain.  The way our brain controls our body and the way our body is able to do and express incredible things.  We are self aware and have the ability to ask about our existence and purpose on earth.  We also have the ability to visualize and create through the arts, sciences, literature, mathematics, athletics, etc.  Self awareness and creativity make us unique from other species.  It is also what uniquely enables us to progress and evolve into who we want to be.

Personal evolution and change is a full-brained process (full-brained in the sense that it requires all sides of the brain from logical left to creative right).  Often times, the left brain gets credit for effectuating personal progress through analysis, time management, and logical next steps.  Although important ingredients, our left brain fails to provide the firepower required for sustained, powerful change.  Without motivation and feeling we fail to implement that which our left brain dictates.  Thus the ”I know what I should do but I can’t seem to do it” comment we hear ourselves, and others, state so often.

However, the right brain allows us to create visually, in our mind’s eye, the change and progress we seek. It allows us to feel the results of our future sacrifice without its actual physical realization. Visualizing results before their creation helps determine the importance we place on that potential goal.  The more clearly see, feel, and experience our desired future the more real it becomes and the more likely we are to achieve it.  If it doesn’t move you emotionally then chances of achieving it are pretty low.

For instance, I have a tendency to be impatient with my children.  I tell myself I should be more patient but this just breeds more guilt after I raise my voice or give looks of disbelief at my children’s actions.  So I left-brainedly (I know it is not a word :)) ask myself  “Why do I want to be more patient with my children?”.  

I close my eyes and let the right brain take control as I picture each one my children, individually, leaving for college. How do I want them to describe me to their roommates?  I picture that conversation. I picture them raising their own children.  How do I want them to raise my grandchildren?  I picture them following my example and patiently teaching them right from wrong along with life’s lessons.  

I then picture Emerson spilling milk, me quietly helping him clean it up, and smiling as I do so.  I am patient because I want to have a good relationship with him and want him to raise his children with the same love and patience I give him. I want that because it brings me deep joy and satisfaction. 

Let the right brain do what your left brain has been unable to do on its own…feel the need for change. Keep a clear picture, and feeling, of why you are working towards that desired state.  As you do so your motivation will increase and so will your success.  Good luck!

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