You Have A Choice!

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The Power of Choice

The freedom to choose is one of the most powerful gifts that we, as humans, possess.  Our capacity to choose is what separates us from all other creatures.  Animals have choice but their intellectual ability limits the number of choices they make.  Us, on the other hand, make hundreds of choices each day.  These choices shape us as spouses, parents, friends, employees, and citizens. Contemplating one’s choices (reflection) is what further distinguishes humans from animals.  We are able to review, evaluate, and analyze our choices and determine how to respond the next time we are presented with a similar situation.  Failure to reflect causes one to miss the link between choices and life satisfaction.  This puts us at the mercy of external forces and rids us of our ability to improve our situation.  

The Power of Habit

Habits are the great neutralizer of choices.  Habits decrease our awareness and cognitive ability to choose.  A choice is still made but it’s power and influence decreases to the same magnitude that a habit increases.The more we reinforce a habit the more it becomes part of our subconscious way of living.  It eventually becomes who we are.  It is important to note that all habits (good and bad) sprouted from choices we made at some point in our past.

The Power of Good Habits

Not all habits are created equally.  Healthy, productive habits are powerful in assisting us to work towards meaningful goals. Their assistance requires a level of willpower to sustain and execute (much like a car in motion requires subtle pressure from a foot on the gas pedal). Most healthy habits harness our base animal tendencies and leverage the higher, more divine part of us.  These habits yield fulfillment, peace, and happiness which generate the desire to continue on the path.  Nevertheless, vigilance and care must always be taken to maintain these habits for once they lose momentum extra effort is required to get them back in motion.

The Power of Bad Habits

Bad habits sprout from the same seeds of choice (although these stem from choosing to be lazy in both mind and body).  Giving into animal-like tendencies take us down a much different road with a powerful autopilot.  This autopilot is extremely dangerous as it ignores the passenger’s pleadings to change course in order to head down a different, more favorable road.  We are now at the mercy of a bad habit which has become an addiction.

At this point, one must stop the vehicle completely and ask for help. Support can be found through loved ones that act as the bridge to the solution.  The solution is most often found through support groups catered to specific addictions.  Support groups patterned after AA’s 12 step program have proven to be the most effective in facilitating the desired change.  

Sum of Our Choices

Our lives are the sum of our choices.  There is no escaping this reality.  If we are unhappy it is, more often than not, the result of our own choices.  Of course, there are extreme cases of psychological impairment that impede our ability to choose and change but this is the exception rather than the rule.  To improve our lives we must start by evaluating our choices, determining the best course of action for change, and display the willpower to carry it out.  In many cases, we will need assistance from coaches, therapists, and support groups to facilitate this change.  We are a social species and are wired to need others.  Leverage this reality to become a happier and better you. The more external we are with our internal state the more clarity we gain and the more progress we make.  Decide today to develop habits that lift and edify in place of those that hijack and stupify.

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