How To Deal With The Gremlins In Your Head

Image result for Gremlin in bed

In a recent conversation with my life coach we discussed an insecurity that kept resurfacing in our sessions from week to week.  This insecurity was causing me undue stress, anxiety, and doubt.  Furthermore, the insecurity appeared to be baseless when considering the positive results I consistently produced.  Regardless of fact, I kept questioning my own ability and performance.  Such questioning led to uncertainty and hesitation to move forward with boldness and clarity.  To make this dynamic more tangible my coach described it as a “Gremlin” that consistently reared its ugly head in both good and bad times.  

Put the Gremlin to Bed

My coach asked what I wanted to do with this gremlin.  My answer was simple:  put him to bed.  I pictured myself talking to the gremlin calmly about the facts of the current situation.  I told him that I am deciding to believe in the results and ignore his unwanted commentary.  As I talked, I also led him to a small bed where I provided him with a blanket and pillow. I shut off the light, closed the door, and gently left the room.  I decided I was no longer going to tolerate his presence.  I consciously decided to believe in reality.  

My Gremlin’s Role

The reason I was gentle with my gremlin was because he has played a significant role in helping me to succeed in various aspects of my life. I responded to his taunts with excessive preparation and hard work which produced positive results (we all respond differently to our gremlins).  In an odd way his influence helped me to realize my potential.  My fear-based actions led to favorable results which led to reality.

Why Now?

Why disregard the gremlin now?  Although he was helpful in some ways he has been disruptive in others. Putting this gremlin to bed means that I will choose to believe in myself and not worry so much about the end result. I am choosing to have faith in the process and my own ability.  It is said that faith and fear cannot exist in the same space.  Faith generates positivity, confidence, and peace. Fear generates negativity, doubt, and anxiety.  I will be able to generate better, more sustained results with faith being my foundation.  

What is your Gremlin?

Where are your insecurities?  What causes you to doubt yourself?  What would you need to do to prove that gremlin wrong and put him in his place wherever that may be (bed, garbage, jail, etc.)?  Exorcising gremlins from our lives is a process and must first start with action.  Action breeds results, builds confidence, and proves our gremlins (insecurities) wrong.  Good luck in dealing with that ugly, green guy created just for you by you.

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