The Art Of Life Balance

Balance is a law of nature.  Without it cars drive funny, athletes fall down, products fail, and people become overwhelmed and empty.  To achieve a smooth operating car, athlete, product, or person balance must be at the foundation of their existence.  When it comes to life balance this can be defined differently for different people.  For some exercise, family, and work is how they establish their balance.  For others fun, creativity, and spirituality are needed for a balanced life.  Life balance stems from identifying one’s core values and effectively incorporating these into one’s life.

We are all striving to achieve balance in one form or another.  The reason why I say “all” is because without it we feel “off”.  This “offness” is supposed to motivate us to action.  Some want the benefits of balance but are not willing to put forth the effort.  Others are willing but lack the resources and knowledge to effectuate change in their lives.  This group of people do the best they can for a period but get discouraged with their lack of progress. At this point, most realize that planning and organization is needed if balance will ever be achieved.

As a result, I have decided to highlight four previous posts that will help individuals achieve balance in their life.  The application, not the reading, of these posts will enable change and progress to occur.     

The Value of Core Values:  Part of “growing up” is making a conscious decision on what we want from life and who we want to be.  This process requires strength, independence, and confidence as we separate ourselves from family and friends and decide what is centrally important to us (not them).

If Everything Is A Priority, Nothing Is:  It is human nature to want to do everything despite the limitations of time, money, and focus.  Allowing this tendency to drive expectations and actions is a recipe for disappointment and mediocrity.

How to Plan A Week:  One of the most common frustrations we experience in life is that of being overwhelmed.  We have too little time for all of life’s demands.  Spending some up front energy to plan a week can make all the difference in the world.

How Great People Get Things Done!:  Implementing some simple techniques each day can help ensure that you are working on the most meaningful activities first and avoiding the time suckers that cause progress paralysis.

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