The Greatest Lessons In Life Are Caught Not Taught!

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The most powerful truths, principles, and teachings are not the ones we passively hear or read but are the ones we test and try.  Genuine learning is not simply an intellectual comprehension of a concept.  The purest form of learning is the application of our mental comprehension. The greatest lessons in life are caught not taught.  

A good illustration of this is seen through athletics.  One may read and comprehend the requirements to be a top-tier athlete.  He can intellectually understand the exercise regimen, diet, and skills associated with a specific sport but until he tries to implement them he will never really know them.  True knowledge of a sport is acquired through the exhaustion, discipline, and time required to effectively execute upon this plan. What is read on paper or taught in the classroom only tells a small portion of the story. How to cope with mental and emotional challenges of the gym, practice, and game are not understood until one has to put teachings into practice.  The intellectual comprehension provides a baseline understanding that decreases the initial learning curve.  After this, the treasures of knowledge only come to those who persist in the path towards athletic excellence.

In order to be persistent in this type of experiential learning one must have initiated this journey for themselves.  The appreciation and value of a truth increases or decreases based on the effort required to achieve it.  In other words, having questions to be answered ensures that the truths delivered are meaningful and relevant.  Asking questions and seeking answers to the intellectual, emotional, physical, or spiritual challenges of life will ensure that learnings are absorbed and internalized instead of passively accepted or ignored.  The greatest lessons in life are caught not taught.  

Moving forward, as you consume blog posts, books, or YouTube videos don’t passively observe the messages being shared. Decide to be an active participant and test the principle in your life to see if it actually works. Question its validity and relevance.  Allow other questions to surface.  Avoid blind acceptance by genuinely putting comprehension to the test.   Such tests lead to understanding, progress, and increased happiness.  Knowledge is meant to enhance our lives not our egos.  Actions are the greatest measure of our knowledge for they speak to the truths we sincerely believe.  Simply stated, the greatest lessons in life are caught not taught.

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